Possibilities : what can you do in Activeworlds ?

1. Explore worlds and places  
once you have learned walking, flying , etc. you can start exploring yourself all the worlds which are online. Some worlds in the F9 tabscreen are indicated in green, these worlds are closed (= world settings), and you can only enter these worlds if you have the permission of the world owner.  
explorers club  
Some worlds are really huge , and a lot of worlds have no visitors when you are online. One of the solutions is to explore worlds together with other citizens, and for this purpose the explorers club has been created. Every month they announce a new event on the activities calendar of Activeworlds.  
2. Chatting and talking  
Activeworlds is a 3d chat environment : in addition to the traditional chatsites , chatting means here also sharing the 3d environment with other people.  
voice chat  
In some worlds you can also use your microphone and talk with others : all p20 worlds which are private worlds have the VOIP function.  
3. Build your own things  
building things  

Once you start to know all possibilities and functions in Activeworlds, you can start to learn to build. Some worlds are focused on building things by yourself : we call them building worlds. In those worlds, everyone is able to right-click upon all objects and watch the object properties : the object name, the action command... You can start to use simple commands and use some simple objects, such as wall1 , sign1 , lamp1 , tree1 , floor1,... More experienced users will use a wider range of objects and a larger variation of action commands.

learn to build  
The best place to start and learn to build is the world AWSchool. In this world you will find all kinds of building tutorials, and there are practice areas for new visitors and there are teachers to help you with it. There are also other resources to help you, such as the aw wiki pages.  
more building possibilities  

In some worlds like Alphaworld you can choose to build upon a large area and start to build a whole town. But you can also build in privately owned worlds in which the world owner gives you the permission to build.

4. Own your own world  
become a world owner  

Every citizen can buy his own world: for this you need to buy credits first with your credit card, and with those credits you can buy and create your own world. They can use objects of the standard object path (OP). Or they can use the OP from someone else, or they can use their own OP. When using your own OP, you need to buy your own webspace, and then you can add new objects yourself . When being a world owner, you can also choose to look yourself for the world hosting, or search for a third party doing the hosting for your world.

world pricing  

World pricing depends on the universe you want to have your world. A world owner can choose for a larger world, a higher number of online visitors, voice over ip (voip),.... For Activeworlds , go to the menu and search for the orange circle on the Toolbar. For AW-Europe, go to the website , where you can use to the world calculator.

make a unique world  
using the world settings they can create a unique world with a great atmosphere.  
5. Play games and participate at contests  

Some worlds are designed to play games: you can click upon objects, so that these objects move , disappear or make appear other objects. Some worlds use also programmed bots in order to have a complete game, working with scores, hud screens, webpage support ,etc. There are laser games , trivia games , bingo games, chess games , and sometimes in several worlds there is a quest game or an object-hunt game in which you need to click on objects in order to obtain a maximum score.

There are also sometimes building contests , which is a game for the best building/creation. Other ideas : avatar show contest, karaoke contest, ...  
The Community Awards is a yearly event in which there are awards for the best world, best game, best innovative creation, best bot , etc.  
6. Become a helping member in the 3d Community  
become a world team member  
Every citizen can become a team member of a world, and give support to the world owner. Team members often usually get bold text from the world owner, but also building rights and bot rights.  
become a building supervisor  
In building worlds, citizens can become building supervisors and give a building lot to new builder. They may also be responsable for back-up of the world or for deleting unused building lots to make them free again for other new builders.  
become a caretaker  
A citizen can also become a caretaker, then he has the same rights as the world owner: modify world settings, open/close the world, eject rights,...This is an option to use with care, there has been abuse of it, and it may happen to you too as a world owner.  
become a greeter or gatekeeper  
Citizens who know Activeworlds for some time , may have the ambition to become greeter in the universe entry world . A greeter is trying to maintain a good 3d chat community , and welcomes and helps all visitors. a greeter is chosen by the gatekeepers : some qualifications are required : age, personality , devotion.. In exchange for their weekly tasks in the portal world , greeters get rewarded for this.  
become a teacher  
In some worlds like AWSchool, you can choose to become a teacher to help other builders with their building problems. In this world there are several types of teacher, each of them for a different level of difficulty and also for different skills (building - movers - gravity - modelling - bots ...etc.)  
7. Use bots or develop a bot program  
using bots  
In Activeworlds, you can use 1 or more bots if you pay with credits for it. In AW-Europe , you can use bots in privately owned worlds, where you have permission of the world owner to use bots .(= world rights)  
make bot programs  

some people have the ability and passion to develop themselves a bot program, and make their own bot and test them in a world. There is the SDK (server development kit) to help them with that, and for version 7.0 there will be a new game engine, which should give more possibilities ...

8. Make your own game or event  
make your own game  
Instead of playing a game, you can make yourself a game for others.... As a world owner you can participate with your world at the quest game and see the players enjoying the game you have made. You can also use the standard bots or develop a bot yourself and make your own game, or you can ask the help of another citizen which is very good in bot scripting. Of course, you can also make a good game without the use of a bot program...and you don't really need to be a world owner to make a game : you can organize the game in a building world or you can organize the game in a world which is hosted for your game...  
organize your own party  
As a world owner you can build you own party, or you can build it together with another citizen. Or you can be a team member of a world or community ; which has the ambition to organize together this party or event. (e.g. birthday party)  
organize your own event  
You can also organize yourself or with friends an event or activity , which doesn't have to be necessarily a game or party. There are enough creative ideas. (tutorials with voip, bot developing meeting, meeting about cooking, meeting about next hunt event ,etc....)  
9. Make your own models  
make your own models  

Apart from building, bot programming and being world owner, some people are interested in making their own 3d models. Some useful 3d modeling programs are Truespace, Wings3d , 3ds , Sketchup, Blender, Maya, Renderware... Using a 3d conversion program, such as Accutrans, you can import those 3d models for use in your own world.

make modeling tutorials  
In AW-Europe, in the world AWEmodel you will find a lot of information and tutorials to help you with 3d modeling. Also in Activeworlds, you can find modelling tutorials, supported by websites. (World Winter : Wings3d class by Keshi / world Canyon : Truespace tutorial by Red Sorceress).  
sell your models  
Some citizens have the ambition to make their own models and sell them in their 3d world for other citizens who don't want to spend the time in modelling, and prefer to buy modeled objects. There are also worlds in which citizens are making models on demand for 1 specific citizen.  
10. Make your own media event  
make your tv station  
It has already been done before, but you can start up your own tv station just by using the commands and possibilities you have in Activeworlds. In the version 6.0 there have been developed a lot of improvements on the media items.  
make your radio station  
Although there are some citizens which own their own internet radio, there are also possibilites of starting up a radio station, just by using the most recent commands and possibilities , and start up some kind of radio station.  
make a supporting website  
A lot of world owners have a website to support their world. But also if you don't have a world, you can make a supporting website (e.g. about building, modelling, free objects , bots and utilities,etc ...)