AW News (july -> dec 2024) |
* Xify Version 9.1.0. |
* On 28th of june, Activeworlds celebrated its 29th birthday. The same week, there was the upgrade from version AW Classic 8.2 to versio 9.1. This time the upgrades were done via the website of Xify. |
* SDK and BOT usage have been disabled |
* In march, several citizens had already their bot use disabled. Private world owners cannot make a backup (propdump) anymore with their bots, or load an older propdump. |
As from july, bots have been disabled for all users. This also includes worlds that use bots for game purposes, like the world ToTheTop, run by FirstR (#437240). His world has been disabled at the same time. |
Also all RPG worlds don't have bots anymore to get the RPG game running. Citizens like Garrick (#354110) and Jackson (#351335) did run RPG games in the past, but they can't restart their RPG-worlds like they could before. |
Also SDK / bot developing has been disabled. |
Former RPG-worlds AWMyths and AWRPG don't have their RPG-bots anymore, but can still be explored. Here the town of Orda in AWRPG. |
* Announcement of Physically Based Rendering |
* In this version, a new feature will be Phyiscally Based Rendering. This is about light sources that bring a more realistic appearance to materials and textures. (albedo, reflection , specular reflection, normal mapping, opacity, roughness, metalness, displacement, occlusion, refraction, emissive). |
More info can be found in the AW Forum with the title: |
"Physically Based Rendering Explained" |
Info about program updates isn't updated anymore in the AWWiki pages since march 2023. |
* Readyness for more 3D formats |
* In the same article in the AWForum, new 3D formats (other than .cob .rwx and .x) could be used. However this was already announced since version 7.1 (in 2021) and still no new 3d formats can be used. |
* Introduction of Visitors and Regular Users |
* In July 2024, there has been announced the introduction of Visitors and Regular Users |
* Visitors don't pay any AWCredits and just log in for events like Dance Parties or to explore some worlds and for some chatting. |
* Regular users have AWCredits on their account, and have access to several features that Visitors don't have. Regular users will be deducted monthly 29 AWCredits from their account. If this reaches 0 AWC, then they will be Visitor again, unless they buy new AWCredits. |
* Regular users have access to the AW Forum, they can build in the Public Worlds (after having paid some AWC), they can run their own world (after having paid AWC) , they can add contacts and send telegrams to the contacts , they can join and invite the contacts. They also have Voice and video chat , and they can make Presentations. Visitors have these restrictions and only do this after having paid AWC. |
* Tourists and citizens in the past... |
* Before 2013, there were Tourists and Citizens, citizes paid a monthly amount and has access to more worlds and could build in the Public Building Worlds and could run their own world(s). While tourists didn't pay and had access to less worlds and couldn't build. |
* Between 2013 and 2023 there were no tourists, everyone was a citizen. And citizens didn't need to pay a monthly amount. They only needed to pay for private world(s), bot limit(s), and clothes and accessories for their avatars. |
* Since march 2023, you need to pay AWCredits to build in the Public Building Worlds. |
* Showing the AW Menu bar |
* One thing that has changed with the new update is that you don't see the AW Menu Bar anymore on top of your AW screen. |
* Just click upon the icon with the 4 horizontal lines in the upper left corner to view the menu. And click again to hide the menu again. |
* Another way is by pressing CRTL+F1 to toggle on/off. |
* Building in worlds gets cheaper |
* As AW will charge now 29 aw credits per month, there will be charged less AW credits to build in the public worlds (1 or 2 AW credits instead of 5 AW credits per day). |
* Karten has passed away |
* On 26th of june, we have lost another important citizen : Karten (#315184) has passed away at the age of 73. His real name was Duane Fant , and he was a former AW Peacekeeper. |
* Besides that, he also ran 2 worlds : ReginaDn and ReginaUp. Karten loved trains and in his world ReginaDN , he had a railway network that was constantly operational, and he needed to bring 12 bots online to keep the trains running. The world was also remarkable for the fact that all Homepage themes were integrated in 1 world. His other world was ReginaUp and was focused on bot programs, Karten hosted bot classes in this world in 2016. |
* Karten also assembled the Uberpath. In the world Uberpath, all models and textures are displayed per category and per theme. In the world entry, you could also download different files for setting up your own objectpath. The world Uberpath is owned by Activeworlds. Later, in 2023, the world entry point had been modified, the download files have been omitted there, and are were available on the website : https://activeworlds.com/downloads |
Note: Chris has removed the downloads after i had asked in the AW Forum where you could find them. |
*Karten ran his own website, explaining how to set up your own objectpath. There was also detailed information about how the uberpath has been created. |
* Karten also offered world hosting, From 2019 on, Keshi joined for the hosting until Keshi passed away in 2021. |
Visiting ReginaDn with Keshi's Explorer's Club in 2013 : |
venice3d.net/2013explore5.html |
Karten's Bot Classes in ReginaUp in 2016 : |
venice3d.net/2016events73.html |
Karten in 2013 during the Explorers Club Event |
* News from the worlds |
* Mars is again a building world |
* Since march 2023, there were only 4 public building worlds left : Alphaworld, Cofmeta, WildAW, Yellow. Now you can build again in the world Mars. After having paid some AW Credits, you can build (during 24 hours). |
* WildWest : Public Free Sandbox |
* In august, another public building world has been added, where users can build without needing to pay AWCredits first before they can see the action command scripts. WildWest is a p50-sized and is rather small for a building world, but it is mainly used for testing. You can view builds made by the AW Expo Team, which were used in 2014 for the AW Landing Zone from 2014 until 2021. |
AW Expo Landing Zone : AW 7700S 1400E |
* America and Winter : again open for visiting |
* The world America is back online and can be explored again, however, building is still disabled. This world was formerly run by Jetta, and after he passed away, Ciena took over, until she left AW. People who were allowed to build in America in the past , cannot build here yet again. |
* The world Winter is also back online and can be explored again. Before march 2023 , this was also a public building world. The world was run by MaxPoly, until he left AW in 2018 (during the 2nd edition of the Balloon Fiesta in the world AWReunion). Maxpoly kept offering world hosting until january 2024, when AW stopped with with world hosting by 3rd parties. Building is still disabled in Winter world, maybe in the future, building will be enabled again, just like happened now for the world Mars. |
The world America |
The world Winter |
* Worlds that reopened for exploring |
* Also other public worlds have been re-opened for exploring, These include the worlds AWEvents and also a historical AWGate world, in the world list it is named "Oldgate", and was the former Universe Entry World around 2000-2002. |
* Preserved worlds open for exploring |
* Some former private worlds and public project worlds have been preserved and re-opened for exploring : The 13th (created by Shamus) , AWMix07 (by Class3), A!!Vines (Keshi), AlwaysOk (Old Kunnel) , Pandora (Starheart+Keshi) , Weircity (Rozmere), AW@4D (Siliconmana), Reunion, X-Men, and X_Files. |
The world Oldgate |
The world Reunion |
The world X-Men |
The world Pandora |
The world X_Files2 |
The world The13th |
* New worlds |
* ItaliaAW |
* This p30-sized world has been set up, at this moment only the GZ area has been built. ItaliaAW already has been online more than a decade ago, but has restarted now. |
* Rust |
* This p20-world has been started in august, yet without any objects. |
The world ItaliaAW |
* RARA |
* This p20-sized world has mainly japanese signs but also some english signs. Also some buildings have been added, still a world in development. |
* UORealms |
* This p10-world has been started in august, yet without any objects. |
The world RARA |