NEWS 2024
  AW News (july -> dec 2024)
* Version 9.1.0 (upgrade by
* SDK and Bots have been disabled
* Introduction of Visitors and Regular Users
* Visitors : restrictions ( forum, contactlist , telegrams, etc)
* Regular users : 29 AW credits per month, but building in the public building worlds gets cheaper
* Karten has passed away
* News from * Mars is again a public building world
the worlds: * WildWest : a free public building world
  * back online: America, Winter, AlwaysOK, etc.
* New * ItaliaAW * Oldgate * RARA
worlds: * Rust * UORealms

Party in Sonasprime on 4th august
  AW News (jan -> june 2024)
* 3rd party world hosting has been disabled
* Change in policy of Bot / SDK usage
* Announcement of : Personal World Management App
* All changes in Activeworlds over the years
* Activeworlds 2023 statistics
* New * GolfersWorld * LearnToBuild * Norden
worlds: * Storyteller * TartsStudio * TrustMe

Party in the world Allusion on 9th may