Announced events can be found on these webpages :
First resource for events is the AW Forum : you can find it in the Activeworlds program : press F9 , then choose tabsheet Notepad
All citizens have access to the Forum . Forum moderators are Chris (#290065) and MeL (#341444)
Facebook group Activeworldsofficial :
Activeworldsofficial has 552 members in january 2022. Moderators are Rick Noll (#8 ) and MeL (#341444) and Gremot (#364307)
Facebook group Activeworldsgroup :
Activeworldsgroup has 513 members in january 2022. Moderators are SWChris (#306637) and Strike Rapier (#334303) (=also Mark Randall)
Here you can view some of the realized events :
  AW Spooktacular
Halloween has been celebrated with 4 parties : 4 nights , 4 worlds , 4 dj's.

4 days of Halloween parties

  Quest Games in the world Nosferatu
The world Nosferatu has opened at the beginning of this year, and the wold owner .Vampyre. (#381446) has started with hosting several quest games .
The games in his world are replaced by new ones on a monthy basis.

Screenshot of the Asylum game.
  Winter Parties (Jan.+Feb.+Mar.2022)


Here you can view some of the parties hosted by some of the citizens of Activeworlds.
The parties are both hosted in public and in private worlds.

Party in Shokan (February 5th)