AW News (oct. + nov.+ dec. 2021)
General news
* AW Version 8.0 has been released
On 7th of November, version 8.0 has been released.
There are no new commands of featured yet, but in this version 32-bit components will be replaced by 64-bit components, in particular Renderware.
New features will be implemented during the version 8 cycle, these will include additional 3D formats, and modern shader-only render.
For a full overview of the program updates, you can go to the ActiveWiki pages.
Or you go on the Wiki pages and click in the left column upon "Change Lists"
* Alphaworld Landing Zone Contest
From august till december, there has been a landing zone building contest : each citizen could participate and build a new landing zone for Alphaworld.
There were 4 contestants:
Enkii - building area on position 3559N 924W
Lady Pippin - building area on position 15162N 23643E
NoEffsGiven - building area on position 9580S 890E
Panne - building area on position 15000N 24000E
Arsène (#152438) hosted the event and let the people decide by creating a voting bulletin on the AW Forum. Drawbacks were that everyone could cheat and vote with 2 or more accounts, and vote for their friends only. There was also no jury involved to assess the builds.
Enkii's build has been chosen as the new LZ.
On 5th of December, Enkii's build has been revealed as the final winner.
All contestants also received a p10-sized world for their efforts in the participation.
Enkii (#363787) started up the p10-world Earth and wins also 1000 credits
Panne (#365862) renewed his p10-world Wolkenland and wins 250 credits
NoEffsGiven (#442498) started up the world Aventura
Lady Pippin (#308688 ) still hasn't revealed her p10-world yet.
The building area of Enkii will be copied now to the new Alphaworld Entry Point and this area will be the property of AWI - and Chris (#290065) will decided who is allowed to modify and build in this new landing zone. The new landing zone will be operational on 1st of January 2022 , and will replace the current Landing Zone of SWChris (#306637), on position 8000S 11000W , and which is full of error messages caused by url links that don't exist anymore. The new landing zone will be without error messages.
* New version of Accutrans has been released
In august, a new version of Accutrans has been released.
Accutrans is the only program which converts from various popular 3d file formats into the RWX-format. Besides this, you can also create avatars and avatar animations.
Accutrans is not freeware, but the software only costs 20 dollars and it has a lifetime licence, which means that you get free program updates.
Website : http://micromouse.ca
More info about the new release has been added by Gremot (#364307) on AW Facebook Official (on 22nd august) :
The new version adds the Vertex Normal support to RWX, which are required for proper lighting and shading of the model.
The long time depreciated option to force double material has been removed when storing RWX files.
( Click to enlarge )
Also on Facebook Official (on 23rd september) , Old Chinese Man (#427489) has tried out the new features with success by "adding the Normals" to a 3d lighthouse model that he had created with Wings3d.
The lighthouse model with shiny, glossy surface has become more fluent. For this, you need to check "Vertex Normals" in the Accutrans menu "Save with options".
This model can be viewed in the world Shokan on position 38S 26W 10a.
Components of the lighthouse model
* Michael Nesmith has passed away
* On 10th of december , Michael Nesmith has passed away at the age of 78 years. He is known as the singer and guitarist of The Monkees. They had world hits like "I'm a Believer" , "Daydream Believer" and "Last Train To Clarksville" .

* But what most of us don't know, is that he was also the owner of the former AW galaxy VideoRanch3d.. This galaxy was dedicated to music and there were often live performances of artists in this galaxy.

News from the worlds
* ZoneFR has new an Asterix village
The world ZoneFR exists already since may/june 2020 but this summer, Jost (#335113) has added 2 nice areas to his p20 world.
To the east side, there has been built a medieval castle & church surrounded by topiary gardens.
On the west side you will find an Asterix village of the roman period with more than 20 different types of huts.
* The world zZzZz has opened
* Old Chinese Man (#427489) has finally opened his world zZzZz to the public. He has been starting with modeling for a while ,and in this world you can view some of his own creations. At this moment you will find a neon-light building and celestial bodies.
Old Chinese Man also modeled a lighthouse with Wings3d and this model can be viewed in the world Shokan on position 38S 26W 10a.
* New buildings in Shokan
Dovestar (#278411) expanded the world Shokan in april and the world got completely re-designed , with a new landscapes and with an eastern temple and a greek temple. The first dance area is the "K-Club" on position 35N 15W, and is in remembrance of Keshi, who did a big part of the landscaping in april and may.
(see webpage venice3d.net/2021events111.html )
Besides the lighthouse on position 38S 26W 10a, there have been added the Dance Club "Port of Call" on position 24S 8E. ( venice3d.net/2021events112.html )
On position 31N 30W 4a , you have a large building that is divided into 3 parts : on the right side, you have a tea-room in eastern style , on tha left side you have the "Blues & Jazz Bar" and on the first floor you have a dance area. In each room, there is other music playing.
And on position 17S 32E 2a, you will find a library and a teleport center.
31N 30W 4a - Building with 3 music areas
Party in the dance area on the first floor
Tea-room in Eastern Style
Blues & Jazz bar
Library area
* New additions in the world Pandora
MC Rider(#286001) has published on AW Facebook official on 8th of November some pictures of the latest realization in the world Pandora.
The world Pandora is a large project that has been set up by Starheart (#354303), with a team of memeber, including Keshi, who has passed away recently.
In spite of this loss, the project in the world Pandora continues, and the new additions can be found on position 83N 103E 7a 90.
* Developments in ThePatch
The world ThePatch is p30-sized world owned by Dearheart (#302667), and her world has constantly additions with new plants and tree models.
The 3d scenes of world ThePatch have similarities with the former p90-sized world Leaves. The world Leaves was online from 2000 till 2009 and was one of the most popular private worlds. This world had thousands of sprite models (flowers, plants and trees). Sprites are images that turn towards the camera view of your avatar. In ThePatch, the sprites have been replaced by 2 plant images which cross eachother in the middle, and you won't see quickly that the plants are no real 3d-models, but only images. But in spite of that, a huge amount of real 3d models have been used as well.
On 8th of november, Dearheart published some pictures on AW Facebook Official.
* New worlds
* MythsRPG start: 28 november

This Role Playing Game -world is owned by Garrick (#354110).
This world is quite huge : you can find buildings, walls and plants until 150 cells from the world center. But the borders of the landscaping of this world go until 250 cells from the center. You can even find terrain paths outside the p150 area, indicating that the world size might expand to a p250.
Garrick is already well-known for running the world AWMyths, a world that already exists for a decade, and that has the same RPG theme. AWMyths is even larger, and you can find builds there until 250 cells from the center.
* Earth start: 5 december

Enkii (#363787) has won this world after having participated at the AW LZ contest.
* Aventura start: 5 december

NoEffsGiven (#442498) won this world after having participated at the AW LZ contest.
* MythsSpirit start: 16 december

This Role Play Gaming -world is owned by Father. (#362196). Father is already a citizen since 2007 and he is skilled in bot programming and RPG gaming.
This world has the same theme as the worlds AWMyths and MythsRPG.
The world MythsSpirit
The world MythsSpirit
The world MythsSpirit