A lot of websites are related to Activeworlds and have useful information for the Activeworlds users. You can go back for that to the AWTimes webpages of 2015.
Unfortunately, several of the webpages have stopped their services. However, also new websites have been started up and other websites have been updated.
This article will show an updated list for 2017. For a complete content , you can still view the webpages of 2015. (articles 10 and 11)
With AWPortals.com , you can add your own events (with picture) to the calendar.You need to log in for that , so first (free) registration is required.
The AWWiki contains all commands and triggers for building.
Picture : awlife.org/stream is a radio station network. You can also add this in your building commands. But if you fail to make it functional, then you can try to use each radio station individually.