Useful websites overview (part 1) |
Activeworlds already exists for 20 years now, and in this article you will find a list of all interesting websites related to Activeworlds or one of its worlds. And also other useful websites with textures or concerning modeling. Some of the websites are old or outdated or incomplete, but still have interesting information for the actual users in Activeworlds. Sometimes it's a puzzle : sometimes you find the missing information on another website . A lot of websites have gone offline since the startup , but this is a list of the websites which are still online in 2015. |
http://activeworlds.com |
This is the website of Activeworlds where you can download the Activeworlds software for different applications , but also here you can buy credits so that you can purchase a world or a bot, or where you can download some utilities, etc. The website is very complete and contains links to a lot of useful websites which you can also find on this webpage. This current website lay-out has been made by GSK(#348037). |
http://www.awcommunity.org/ -> website has been replaced by : |
http://org.activeworlds.com |
This website has been designed by
DMC2U who has passed away in 2012. The website shows an overview of useful websites , but not all of them are still functional, but most of the links are also in the Activeworlds.com menu. The website of the world Objectd' with the freebies objects is http://org.activeworlds.com/objects/ |
http://www.awportals.com/ |
This website stopped with updates in 2010, but remained online , and contains some useful information. Website made by Mark Randall (#360969) (= Strike Rapier (#334303) ). The content has been remade in may 2016 , a lot of new functions have been added : citizen search , badges, events directory , stats, etc. |
There are also archived articles from 1999 until 2010 ,about Truespace and about newsgroups. |
The is also an object path search menu . The database about places in Alphaworld and AWTeen with coordinates has been deleted from the website in may 2016.. |
http://awschool.info/ -> website closed in july 2015, use this one instead : |
http://host.activeworlds.com/awschool/ |
This website is the support website for the world AWSchool, and contains information about the AWschool staff and teachers. And you can of course find info about how to build |
http://wiki.activeworlds.com |
This wikipages site has started in 2006 and contains detailed information about all building commands. Apart from that you will find info about worlds, places and about citizens, there is information about bot programs and bot scripting , etc. |
Also all information about the Activeworlds version updates starting from version 4.2 in 2008 until today's version. All information has been added by various AW citizens. |
http://forums.activeworlds.com/ |
This is the forum site of Activeworlds, containing announcing events, building tips, coding , etc. There is also a forum archive going back to 2006. |
http://forums.activeworlds.com/index.php?335 |
Andras (#106479) has added also the newsgroups messages ,which go back to the year 1997 : http://forums.activeworlds.com/index.php?333 |
Some forum articles are very interesting, like this object yards list : |
http://forums.activeworlds.com/read.php?4,32 |
Since 2015 , the forum is not "public" anymore : a login is required in order to view posts and add new posts. |
http://host.activeworlds.com/mauz/public/ |
This website has been designed by Mauz , who has passed away in 2011. After her death, Activeworlds has preserved the content of her website, which contains various interesting articles and historic pictures. |
You can download and read the tutorials about the Hagviewer bot : |
http://host.activeworlds.com/mauz/public/hagviewer.html |
You can read information about how to run your own world , how to install, how to find objects for your world, etc. : |
http://host.activeworlds.com/mauz/public/worldrunning.html |
You can download and read the tutorials about the RWXMod utility. |
http://host.activeworlds.com/mauz/public/rwxmod.html |
You can also read about Activeworlds glossary, time zones, Alphaworld places, worlds info, citizens info, Activeworlds history from the start until 2011, screenshots from 1997 until 2010....etc. and links to other useful websites. |
http://www.andras.net/tools.html |
Andras.net is the website of Andras (#106479) from Hungary and he is probably the best bot programmer Activeworlds has had. Unfortunately Andras had deleted all download links from his website, but he has kept the bot information and tutorials . Some of his bots and utilities were : YASBB , Dem2rwx , Berrain , Multizip , Prop2rwx, Reggen, Mapview and Guardbot. Fortunately, some of these bot programs can still be dowloaded from the Activeworlds website. |
http://www.imabot.com/ |
Site made by Ima Genius (#96929) consisting of a wide range of bots and utilities : Ballbot, Birdbot , Seedbot , Nestor, Chatbot , Preston and BoneSDK . Preston is the most popular bot for Activeworlds users. The website contains also Alphamapper , but unfortunately, the application hasn't been updated. Read http://www.venice3d.net/2015news44.html about how you can still use Alphamapper. |
Another part of the website is dedicated to the world AWGames, where you can read some game tutorials. And there is also a hosting site http://www.imatowns.com/ |
https://www.youtube.com/ |
A lot of Activeworlds citizens have made movies about Activeworlds, either to show a utility or building tutorial, or they have made a 3d video of their favourite worlds. You can use applications like Bandicam or Fraps and upload your own video and put it online. |
http://en.calameo.com/ |
On this multilingual website you can make and publish your own articles in a nice small magazine. In 2014 Smaug (#322639) has made the AW World Magazines with this website program. Also Horsy (#319337) has made a tutorial magazine. (see info lower on this page). |
http://objects.activeworlds.com/uberpath/web/uberpathwelcome.html |
The website has been made by Karten (#315184) .This website supports the website of the world Uberpath and contains information about using and downloading the Uberpath and how to use it as the object path (=OP) for your own private world. The Uberpath contains also a range of freebies (like e.g. the Pelican railway set) which you cannot find in the other standard OP's. |
http://www.alusion-fr.com/an1.htm |
This website Alusion-fr is owned by Heu (#348543) and is in english and in french. On this website you can download more than 2000 freeware 3d models and avatars, all offered for free by former and current modelers in Activeworlds (or other universe), and for use in your own 3d world.You can also download textures, wallpapers, color codes, skyboxes etc. |
There are also some tutorials : 1.an rwx lexicon ; 2. conversion of cob into rwx ; 3. making an rotating animation; 4. media command ; 5. making a stargate. |
http://www.sh3d-design.com/ |
This website is owned by Starheart (#354303) who is probably the best modeler in Activeworlds. Almost every world has models from this website. The website contains payware and freeware models (a wide range of each), and of excellent quality. Starheart has also some worlds : Mythopia and Sh3d1, where you can view these and other 3d models. |
The website also contains some tutorials : 1. texture size, compression and masks; 2. using tags on models. ; 3. using Multizip . |
http://www.heartfall.com |
This older website (2004) by Insanity(#303869) contains hosting services. But there is more : |
http://www.heartfall.com/3d/ |
This page contains links to payware and a few freeware models, and to some utilities : 1. Texture Mapper; 2. RwxMod ; 3. Rwx-export for 3DSMax. |
There is also an avatars.dat tutorial on this webpage : |
http://www.heartfall.com/aw/avatarsdat.html |
Avatars (payware) : http://www.heartfall.com/aw/avatars/ |
http://www.turtleflight.com/ |
This website by Magine(#28777) contains pictures of the former world A'Tuin, but the most important are the bots programs and utilities : Magsbot , Alice, AWScoreboard, Worldmapper, Texturemapper, Filmstripmaker, Colorpicker. Magsbot is also a popular bot , and you can still read the class logs of 2003 and 2006. |
http://www.toucan.co.jp/3DCGE.html |
From this Japanese website you can download some maps with freeware 3d objects about fish models (saltwater, freshwater, stream), flowers and insects. http://www.toucan.co.jp/indexE.html |
http://www.susan3d.com/ |
(website has expired in june2015) |
Formerly the website of Lady Murasaki (#310706) was called Murasaki3d later also Economy3d, and now Susan3d (since 2012). The site is very nice with complete information , and you can download a wide range of freeware objects , textures and terrains. |
There are terrain tips for world owners and a tutorial about creating terrain textures , and there is a page of all kinds of AW resources. |
HME (height map editor) is a terrain editor program (free download: ) |
http://hme.sourceforge.net/ |
Paint.net : freeware graphics application (free download:) |
http://www.getpaint.net/ |
sTile : freeware graphics program to make seamless textures (free download) |
http://www.harmware.net/stile.htm |
HTML color picker : (freeware online tool) |
http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colorpicker.asp |
http://www.tzaz3d.com/ |
( website has expired in 2016 ) |
This is the website of Keshi (#352322) , with some payware 3D models. Site still under construction. |
http://www.3dlinks.com/ |
This website has links to various 3d applications. By searching , you can find a useful website , like this one :
http://www.apm-designs.com |
Website about tutorials for Blender (modeling) , Inkscape (graphic) and Joomla (webdesign). |
http://www.swcity.net |
Website maintained by Syntax(#308403) about the largest town community in Alphaworld : SWCity. You can find info about the different regions in the SWCity area, you can view citymaps which were made with Alphamapper, etc .. There are webpages about SWCity Interactive : this is an online game in the SWCity area. There is also a forum : http://www.swcity.net/yabbse/ and SWCity has its own Wikipages : http://www.swcity.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php and has also its own Facebook group and Twitter pages. |
Most interesting is the Builders Academy, containing information about building (making awg's , movers, avatar tags, colors, corona's, masks, texturing), about guides (building, optimization, mapview, ini tweaks, mass development, landscaping,.), about resources (graphics, sounds, utilities) , and toolbox (downloadable awg's, mover sets, PE's and special building techniques). http://www.swcity.net/academy/index.php |
There are also utilities like AW Enhanced |
http://www.swcity.net/www/awe.php |
Other topics are the Ultimate AW User guide, and the Author's Desk (=a guide for the wikipages). |
http://leaves.cotarr.com/ |
(website has expired in may 2016) |
Altough the succesful world Leaves has been closed since 2008 , Cotarr (#311010) has still preserved the website which supported his world., containing a builders list , info about the skybox, the terrain, screenshots of the world and events, several detailed world maps, info about the tourbot and explorerbot(gamebot) , all kinds of world statistics, and building in Leaves. |
Leaves was the world of the sprite objects, and you can still find detailed instructions about how to make sprites: http://leaves.cotarr.com/objecthowto/index.html |
http://www.stachelbot.com/ |
This is the website of Stachelbanane(#381567) from Germany. And he has developed the Stachelbot, this bot has been updated until version 5.2.
http://www.dragonsmaug.com/ |
(website has expired in may 2015) |
This website contained the AW World Magazines, made by Smaug (#322639) from april until december 2014 . The was also a calendar ,where you could add your own events. The calendar updated automatically to the next month , when the month has ended. |
http://www.okt31.de/aw/index.html |
This is Activeworlds part of the website of Ananas (#317278) from Germany, on the main page you will find a wide range of utilities and links to useful websites(textures, modeling) . The website is rather old and some utilities can be outdated. |
This webpage contains hundreds of freeware models, avatars and sprites : :http://oct31.de/aw/myobj/. Most of the objects are also displayed in the world Uberpath |
http://oct31.org/ is a webpage containing some useful php scripts for Activeworlds : clock script, font script, color script, visitor counter ,... |
http://pens.sytes.net/aw/ |
This new website developed by Tomas (#312020) shows the number of online visitors to Activeworlds, and has started in september. On 20th december however, Activeworlds has decided to replace the number of online users by the number of clients. This includes now also the online bots and the online mobile connections. The website still continues showing stats with these new numbers... |
Websites which have disappeared in 2014:
http://winnetoudesign.harmhuinink.nl/ |
Website of Winnetou (360515) . First the website was known as Winnetou-design , later under the name of Harm Huinink, offered a wide range of freeware models, but a lot are still displayed in the world Uberpath. |