April 2015
  Awlife.org : new community site

Maxpoly (#299422) has designed a new website. This is a kind of social community system site but for Activeworlds members only . Everyone can register and come a member and add messages, ideas, events, pictures, videos and blogs. You can add friends or get requests from others. Not everyone uses the Activeworlds Facebook groups to post messages or pictures, but this Awlife.org webpage is a good alternative :
All blogs,videos,pictures,events,live posts are showed to all members, but you can set in your own control panel what you share. Members can decide to post some items which they just share with their friends. Also you can choose yourself to do this as well with your posts.
How to add a friend ? Go to : "People - All members" and then click on who ever. Then you will see their info page then and their details, and underneath their avatar you can click upon "friend request", and send the request to add ass a friend. Then this member will get a return to accept or reject. Then wait until the member has added you as a friend.
Introduced in June:
You can make a selfie of your avatar and add it to your profile. Read the instructions on http://awlife.org/selfie.php
* Events publisher
You can put this action command on a pictwll -object :

create name web0,scale 1 1.5,picture awlife.org/pct/awl-activitys.jpg;activate web sw=800 sh=800 url=awlife.org/eventboard2.php name=web0

Then you will see pictures and info of all events (pictures and information) which have been published in the program of AWLife.org. Every 15 seconds another info page is published.