Building |
Public yards and paths |
We know already how to create and manage your own object path (="OP") (for world owners who want to use their own object path). These were the pages : |
http://www.venice3d.net/2013create8.html |
http://www.venice3d.net/2013create9.html |
Iif you want to download the files for your own objectpath, there is the new download webpage for this :: |
https://www.activeworlds.com/web/starterkit.php |
However if you are a builder in a building world, then you want to know which objects and textures you can use, because in every world the OP is different. The first way is by looking at website pages containing the object path, but an easier way is by looking at the models displayed in the world itself, which are called "object yards" (="OY"). But there are also texture yards, mask yards, sound yards and sequence yards. |
One problem is that they are not always easy to find, and in most cases you only need them while building and being far away from the yards. |
Already a lot of posts have been made on forums and blogs about where to find them. This recent post has been done by Bach Zhaa in the AW Forum ( registration required, and then log in). |
:http://forums.activeworlds.com/read.php?4,32 |
Also on the website of Activeworlds , you will find a yards directory. |
https://www.activeworlds.com/web/obyard.php |
Here you will also find a list of the yards and paths for the main building worlds in Activeworlds. |
AW (Alphaworld) : |
world size P 32750 |
update |
1. Website with the object path (OP) |
http://objects.activeworlds.com/aw/ |
2. Object search website |
none |
3. Object yards (OY) |
Tart Sugar's object yard |
27431S 12596E |
objects |
by category |
2015 |
Tart Sugar's texture yard |
27372S 12647E 180 |
textures |
by category and alphabetically |
2015 |
Tart Sugar's texture yard by colour groups |
27348S 12680E |
textures |
by colour |
2015 |
Tart Sugar - new textures (2015) |
27333S 12631E |
textures |
(jpg gif and png files) |
2015 |
Tart Sugar - font masks |
27372S 12647E |
masks |
only for fonts |
2015 |
Tart Sugar - SWCity texture yard |
27405S 12711E |
pictures |
2015 |
Tart Sugar - jpg yard |
264N 1897W 90 |
pictures |
by category and colour |
2015 |
Tart Sugar - midis and wavs |
259N 1922W |
sounds |
2015 |
Tart Sugar - PE yard |
27404S 12559E |
PE's |
+ links to other PE yards |
2015 |
Tart Sugar - HTML color chart |
257N 1899W |
colours |
2015 |
Tart Sugar - ASCII codes |
272N 1864W |
text |
2015 |
TaLon's Wisteria Lane |
31491N 30208W |
pictures |
pictures for plants |
2015 |
Lady NightHawk's animation yard |
2657S 5703W 180 |
animations |
2014 |
Lady NightHawk's midi's and wavs |
2681S 5699W |
sounds |
2014 |
Bach Zhaa's AWG yard |
7939S 1513E |
AWG's |
building ideas |
2011 |
Cosmictruth's mask yard |
14800N 9500E |
masks |
2008 |
Lara's OY |
1095N 988W |
various |
2011 |
Lara's texture yard |
1250N 1050W |
textures |
2011 |
SWComit OY |
2054S 3731E |
various |
SWCity OY |
2004 |
Wisper's OY |
3500N 1350W 180 |
various |
2003 |
Tart Sugar (#331363) has the most complete yard in Alphaworld. The OY is sorted by category. At the left you will find "expanded information". |
The texture yard is sorted alphabetically , but also by colour and by category. |
The jpg yard contains in fact pictures from the website http://theraven.sphosting.com, and are not part of AW's texture path. The same for the SWCity yard, which are pictures from the website http://www.swcity.net. But all the pictures are displayed in here. |
AWTeen : |
world size P 3750 |
update |
1. Website with the object path (OP) |
no access |
2. Object search website |
none |
3. Object yards (OY) |
Sir Greendown's object yard |
2440S 3557W |
objects |
by category |
2015 |
Sir Greendown's texture yard |
2437S 3593W |
textures |
alphabetically |
2015 |
KMissile's OY |
1750S 1750W |
objects |
by category |
2009 |
Bonzai's OY |
300N 2200W |
objects |
2002 |
Bonzai's textures yard |
0N 2500E |
textures |
2002 |
Ptolemy mask yard |
2637N 1045E 1a |
masks |
examples |
2003 |
AWTeen has a wider range of objects than is Alphaworld. But the OP hasn't been updated since 2009. |
The object path (and webpage) of AWTeen is located on the website : http://org.activeworlds.com/romperroom/ |
There is no access to the objectpath of AWTeen, but it is possible to use the textures of AWTeen in other worlds as a picture file. As an example : |
http://org.activeworlds.com/romperroom/textures/00wengn1.jpg |
Sir Greendown (#404908) has created this year the most complete yard in AWTeen. The texture path contains 12000 textures. |
Yellow : |
world size P 2000 |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
http://objects.activeworlds.com/cofyellow/ |
2. Object search website |
none |
3. Object yards (OY) |
Digigurl's object yard |
747N 961E |
objects |
by category |
2010 |
Digigurl's texture yard |
710N 978E |
textures |
by category |
2010 |
Digigurl's sequence yard |
724N 958E |
sequences |
by category |
2010 |
Digigurl's demo yard |
705N 955E 180 |
ideas |
2010 |
Digigurl's PE & matfx yard |
718N 945E |
PE's + matfx |
2010 |
Texture City (Apooka and Ozman) |
973N 1984E |
textures |
by category |
2015 |
From the world entry point, you have direct access to the object yard and texture yard of Yellow. Yellow definitely has the nicest yards : |
Apooka (#363660) and Ozman (#357777) have made this year "Texture City", a unique presentation of textures per category. |
Digigurl (#351063) made also some very nice yards for objects, textures, sequences, etc. |
Uberpath World Map |
Texture City (Yellow) |
AWReunion : |
world size P500 |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
no access |
2. Object search website |
http://nursemom3d.com/awreunion/materials.php |
3. Object yards (OY) |
Lobo + Woody + Nursemom - OY |
Woodyard 13N 7E 180 |
objects |
per category |
2014 |
Lobo + Woody + Nursemom - texture yard |
Woodyard 17S 14W 90 |
textures |
AWReunion is not a public AW world, (ask permission to build at one of the caretakers ), but it is a popular building world with a large objectpath, the OY is stored in a seperate world : Woodyard. |
Nursemom (#304857) also made a php script, which makes it possible to search and get a list of all availalbe objects or textures. |
In Woodyard 17S 14W you can view all worlds which are using this object path of Nursemom. |
America : |
world size P500 |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
2. Object search website |
3. Object yards (OY) |
America's OY |
Jetta 1N 1W |
objects |
2012 |
Ciena (America's texture yard ) |
500S 500E |
textures |
2014 |
Also America is not a public AW world, permission is required to build here (ask Ciena), but it's a popular building world with a large objectpath, the OY is also stored in a seperate world : Jetta, named after the founder of the world America, and who has passed away in 2013. Also the world AWSchool uses the same objectpath. Ciena (270697) is currently the caretaker of America world. |
World owners can use this objectpath for their world, but it is also possible make a personal selection of objects for your own object path : just by clicking upon the objects of your choice, a window will open, where you can download each object separately. However this OP is not that large as the OP of AW or Uberpath) , and hasn't been updated since 2002. |
Uberpath : |
world size P150 (OY only) |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
none (consists of zip files that you can download) |
2. Object search website |
none |
3. Object yards (OY) |
Karten - Uberpath world map |
uberpath 3N 3W |
2011 |
Karten - zip files |
uberpath 3S 0W 180 |
OP |
zip files |
2011 |
The uberpath is a complete OP for world owners. Uberpath contains several zip files of models,textures, textures and sounds, which can be downloaded either in Uberpath on position 3S 0W 180 or from the website of Uberpath : http://objects.activeworlds.com/uberpath/web/UberPathWelcome.html . Those zip files can uploaded to the own webspace of the world owner. The UberPath is a new path bringing together the best of the AW and Mega object paths. (read more on the webpage of Uberpath about the purpose of this OP). Karten (#315184) has made up the whole concept of uberpath and is always available for questions. |
From the uberpath world map you can teleport to the different object and texture yards. For each category you have an alpabetical view. |
Winter : |
world size P2250 |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
no access |
2. Object search website |
http://awlife.org/worlds/winter/materials.html |
OP |
3. Object yards (OY) |
Maxpoly's OY |
700S 700W |
objects |
new OY |
2015 |
Lady Rosalia's Texture yard |
80N 500W |
textures |
2009 |
Ladybunny's OY |
223N 227W 90 |
objects |
old OY |
2009 |
Ladybunny's COB OY |
293N 238W 180 |
objects |
old OY |
2009 |
Mars : |
world size P 2000 |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
http://objects.activeworlds.com/mars/ |
2. Object search website |
none |
3. Object yards (OY) |
Veger - OY |
1494S 520E |
objects |
2011 |
Veger - texture yard |
1468S 525E |
textures |
2011 |
Cofmeta (Metatropolis) : |
world size P 1100 |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
http://objects.activeworlds.com/cofmeta/ |
2. Object search website |
none |
3. Object yards (OY) |
awld - OY |
50S 3E 90 |
objects |
1997 |
WildAW : |
world size P 3750 |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
no access |
2. Object search website |
superpath |
3. Object yards (OY) |
Tartsugar's OY |
1030N 976W |
objects |
2015 |
Tartsugar's texture yard |
1028N 979W 180 |
textures |
2015 |
Mike's sequence yard |
1040N 871W 270 |
sequences |
2010 |
John2018 midi and sounds yard |
1026N 871W 270 |
sounds |
2010 |
Black Rose's OY |
3S 425E 270 |
objects |
2001 |
Colony (Alpha) : |
world size P 200 |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
no access |
2. Object search website |
none |
3. Object yards (OY) |
Moria's OY |
178N 198W 3a 315 |
objects |
1997 |
Pollen : |
world size P 500 |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
no access |
2. Object search website |
none |
3. Object yards (OY) |
leroy's OY (±) |
84N 54E |
objects |
2001 |
Atlantis : |
world size P 1000 |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
no access |
2. Object search website |
none |
3. Object yards (OY) |
Kalana (Urbane Chaos) - OY |
214S 399E 120 |
objects |
2011 |
Roooo |
959N 547W |
objects |
2000 |
Textures are on this path (example) : http://objects.activeworlds.com/atlantis//textures/stone.jpg |
There : |
world size P 2500 |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
no access (uberpath) |
2. Object search website |
none |
3. Object yards (OY) |
see also in uberpath world |
Michel's - OY |
2378N 100W |
objects |
2013 |
ABC: |
world size P 100 |
update |
1. Object path listing (OP) |
no access |
2. Object search website |
none |
3. Object yards (OY) |
see also in uberpath world |
K.'s - OY |
60N 86W |
objects |
1999 |