  Movers (pick-up items)
1. Start making a simple pick-up mover
Pick-up movers are usually small objects that the avatar can hold in his hand, put on his head , wear on his back, etc : we speak about food, toys, tools, weapons, hats, luggage,...etc. You can only select 1 pick-up-item mover at a time. You need to detach the mover first, before you can, select another. We will make a candy-cane mover.
model : ccane35
We change the object type from model into "mover". And then we change the mover type into "Pick-up item". Then we see the object properties window for a pick-up item mover. (see picture 1)
Name : ...
Linking enabled
Just like for the other mover types, you can link other objects or PE's to the mover. A few examples : a torch with a flame, a gun with fire PE, 2 candy bars instead of 1
Item to avatar tag : 8
The number which you can nter here refers to the body part where the mover object will be linked to. Every body part has a specific number. We show you the complete list of avatar tag numbers (1-78). Only tag numbers 1-22 will link the mover to the correct body part, except for fingers, toes and sternum. (see picture 2).
We choose tag number 8 (right hand) and we click upon the mover and we see that your avatar is holding the ccane-object in his right hand. (see picture 3)
picture 1


2. Avatar tag numbers
Only the numbers with green text will work for the pick-up-item movers. The other tag numbers are just for info and can be used to make skinned avatars. (read for more information on the activeworlds wiki pages.)
picture 2 - avatar tag diagram
Standard avatar (human)  
1. Pelvis aw_pelvis
2. Torso aw_back
3. Neck aw_neck
4. Head aw_head
5. Right sternum aw_rtsternum
6. Right shoulder / upper arm aw_rtshoulder
7. Right elbow / lower arm aw_rtelbow
8. Right hand / wrist aw_rtwrist
9. Right fingers aw_rtfingers
10. Left sternum aw_lfsternum
11. Left shoulder / upper arm aw_lfshoulder
12. Left elbow / lower arm aw_lfelbow
13. Left hand / wrist aw_lfwrist
14. Left fingers aw_lffingers
15. Right hip / upper leg aw_rthip
16. Right knee / lower leg aw_rtknee
17. Right ankle / foot aw_rtankle
18. Right toes aw_rttoes
19. Left hip / upper leg aw_lfhip
20. Left knee/ lower leg aw_lfknee
21. Left ankle / foot aw_lfankle
22. Left toes aw_lftoes
Other avatar tags :  
23. Upper neck aw_neck2
24. Tail base aw_tail
25. Tail 2nd part aw_tail2
26. Tail 3rd part aw_tail3
27. Tail edge aw_tail4
28. object1 aw_obj
29. object2 aw_obj2
30. object3 aw_obj3
Detailed tags : (most of them are facial)  
31. hair part 1 aw_hair
32. hair part 2 aw_hair2
33. hair part 3 aw_hair3
34. hair part 4 aw_hair4
35. right breast aw_rtbreast
36. left breast aw_lfbreast
37. right eye aw_rteye
38. left eye aw_lfeye
39. upper lip aw_lipupper
40. nose aw_nose
41. right ear aw_rtear
42. left ear aw_lfear
43. right eyebrow aw_rtbrow
44. left eyebrow aw_lfbrow
45. right eyelid aw_rtlid
46. left eyelid aw_lflid
47. right cheek aw_rtcheek
48. left cheek aw_lfcheek
49. right upper lip aw_rtlipupper
50. left upper lip aw_lflipupper
51. lower lip aw_liplower
52. right lower lip aw_rtliplower
53. left lower lip aw_lfliplower
54. chin aw_chin
55. back part 2 aw_back2
56. chest aw_chest
57. right outer eyebrow aw_rtbrowouter
58. left outer eyebrow aw_lfbrowouter
Detailed tags : (fingers)  
59. right finger 1 bone1 (thumb) aw_rt1finger1
60. right finger 1 bone2 (thumb) aw_rt1finger2
61. right finger 2 bone 1 aw_rt2finger1
62. right finger 2 bone 2 aw_rt2finger2
63. right finger 3 bone 1 aw_rt3finger1
64. right finger 3 bone 2 aw_rt3finger2
65. right finger 4 bone 1 aw_rt4finger1
66. right finger 4 bone 2 aw_rt4finger2
67. right finger 5 bone 1 aw_rt5finger1
68. right finger 5 bone 2 aw_rt5finger2
69. left finger 1 bone1 (thumb) aw_lf1finger1
70. left finger 1 bone2 (thumb) aw_lf1finger2
71. left finger 2 bone 1 aw_lf2finger1
72. left finger 2 bone 2 aw_lf2finger2
73. left finger 3 bone 1 aw_lf3finger1
74. left finger 3 bone 2 aw_lf3finger2
75. left finger 4 bone 1 aw_lf4finger1
76. left finger 4 bone 2 aw_lf4finger2
77. left finger 5 bone 1 aw_lf5finger1
78. left finger 5 bone 2 aw_lf5finger2
3. Adjusting the position of the pickup-item
The ccane-mover is now in right hand of the avatar , but when you look closely the ccane-mover object is in fact linked to the wrist. ", but there is a way to adjust this in the object properties menu of the pick-up mover.
We put the ccane mover ±40cm lower and and little bit forward (see picture 4).
Locked offset (X Y Z) : 0.05 -0.40 0.05
We see that the cane is hidden partly in his shirt, so we will turn the mover horizontally, and turn the cane by 90 degrees (see picture 5)
Locked pitch (-180° to 180°) : 90
If you want to turn the cane to the outer side, then another technique is needed. In that case you need to use another mover object ( but a very small object), and link the cane-object to that mover. The object must be so small , that you can hide the mover object inside the arm of the avatar and that you only see the ccane object. There are a few prim objects which can be used for that.
p1cyl0005a p1pri0005a p2pri0005a p1tor0005
p1sph0005 p1pri0005b p2pri0005b p2cube0005
model : p1sph0005
We change this object into a pick-up-item mover. Locked offset remains 0 0 0 , then the mover model remains inside the arm of the avatar and will not be visible.
name : cane
linking enabled
Item to avatar tag : 8
Locked offset (X Y Z) : 0 0 0
Now we link the ccane object to this mover.
model : ccane35.rwx
create link cane
Now we start moving the ccane35 object so that it is just below the mover object. And you rotate the ccane35 object by 90 degrees. And you start checking. After a few try-outs you will succeed. (see picture 6).
picture 3 picture 4
picture 5 picture 6
4. Scaling models with pickup-item movers
You can't scale the mover object, but by using one of the small prim objects as mover object, you can link the objects and then scale those linked objects.
For this example, we will use an nice apple which has been modeled by Tallan, but which is a bit too tall to hold in the hand of your avatar, that's why we will scale it. We use again the p1sph005 and change it into a pick-up-item mover.
model : p1sph0005
name : apple
linking enabled
Item to avatar tag : 8
Locked offset (X Y Z) : 0 0 0
model : t_apple.rwx
create link apple, scale 0.5
We put the apple just below the mover object, when we test this out, we see that the apple is outside the palm of the avatar hand. (see picture 7)
Don't change the locked offset of the mover, because the mover object must remain hidden inside in the arm of the avatar. So now we move the apple object a little bit backwards (in this case) and a little bit upwards too so that it fits inside the hand of the avatar (see picture 8)
On picture 9, you can see the position of the models towards the pick-up item movers, (to which they are linked). You also see how much the apple has been scaled.


picture 7 picture8
picture 9  
5. Using PE's with pickup-item movers
As an example for a Particle Emitter (=PE) which is linked to a pickup-item mover, we will make a torch. . We use the object rm-torch1 and we see that the object is too big and needs to be scaled . This means that we can't use the torch as a mover object and we use again the p1sph005 and change it into a pick-up-item mover. The torch will be linked to the mover.
model : p1sph0005
name : torch
linking enabled
Item to avatar tag : 8
Locked offset (X Y Z) : 0 0 0
model : rm-torch1
create link torch , scale 0.5
We put the torch just below the mover object, when we test this out and we adjust by moving the torch upwards or backwards of sidewards until the torch fits in the hand of the avatar. (see picture 10) . Now we will add the flame .
First teleport to the world AWFX. This is a world with particle emitters and you can download the PE-sets as well and upload them into the object path of your world. On position 0N 1E you will find a flame-PE. Select the PE-object (go into building mode and select the P-icon). You cannot save the preset, because this isn't a building world, but we can note down all the object properties and then rebuild the PE in your world. (see picture 12)
Now build the same flame PE in your world and also link it with the mover :
tag name: torch
link to mover
Now move the P-icon of the PE-object at the top of the torch object. Then go to the pick-up item and reselect "linking enabled" and we see the flame and we test if the torch mover works and we see that the flame is a bit too large.(see picture 11). Now go to the properties window of the flame-PE and change the size of the flame. Each time you change the size, you need to go to the pickup-item mover and re-activate "linking enabled".
picture 10 picture 11
picture 12  
Our torch is finished , and now the next step is testing this torch inside a dark environment.We use objects and textures that will reflect when the world is dark:
model : flata10
create texture rm-floor3
We use this model for the walls and the floor. Now we add a light reflection effect upon the torch model (and not on the mover or the particle emitter)
model : rm-torch1
create link torch , scale 0.5 , light color=orange fx=fire
Now we will make the world dark (for world owners). Go to the world properties : options - world - features - lighting and there you change the "shade color" from white into black and the "sun light color" from white into black as well and you choose "apply". Now we click upon the mover and walk around with the torch. (see picture 13)
After this testing you can restore again the world settings.
Another method which you can use and for which you don't need to change the world properties , is by using Zones. When entering the zone, the environment will be dark, whereas the rest of the world remains bright.
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