16 November 2014 |
@ Winter Holiday Village 2014 - 682N 1998E |
http://forums.activeworlds.com/read.php?6,362540 |
1. Activeworlds version 6.2 |
* When pressing the F7 key, you will see a new web window, in which the elements of Internet Explorer are removed. In this web window you will also be able to view the panoramic pictures of the Activeworlds website. |
* In the AW menu : options - settings- web : the content has changed. |
2. Winter Holiday Village |
* The Village will have a town structure, where the contestants will build a unique building : a post office, a general store , a candy shop ...etc. |
* The contest will start on 29th november until 4th january and there will be prizes for the best builders (worlds, donated credits, snow globes,...etc). |
3. EBTS6 contest |
* This Extreme Builders Talent Show will be organized in january 2015, and will probably be focused on building with animations. |
* The EBTS contests are organized each time in another world , there has been talked about which worlds are suitable for the next contest. |