June 2014
  AW Community meetings (june)
http://en.calameo.com/read/00329320516804a40f155 (july issue)
1st June 2014 @ AWReunion 270N 51E (Winding River Heights)
1 . CYAwards
The CY Awards 2014 (=CommunitY awards) , organized by Nursemom (#304857) and Maxpoly (#299422) have officially started : on the new website cyawards.org , everyone can post his or her own realization for the AWCommunity from 1st till 20th June. From 22nd June till 6th July there can be voted for the nominations. And finally 12th of July there will be the CyAwards presentation. On the website of CYAwards, you can view the whole program and you can view the nominations and voting system.
2. AWschool LZ
The landing zone in the world AWSchool has changed a lot : the traditional brick texture has been replace by a modern look, new infopanels have been added and there is a list of new staff members and new teachers. The prepations were also in view of making this place as the Universe landing zone of Activeworlds, but unfortunately Rick (Enzo) didn't accept that
3. AW World Magazine
Smaug (#322639) presents now his Aw World Magazines also on his website http://dragonsmaug.com. On this site, you can also downloaded the magazines in PDF format. But you can also add your own article to the magazine just by going to the webpage : http://dragonsmaug.com/submit.html
4. AW Calendar with instant updates
Smaug (#322639) also made a calendar webpage system with instant updates :: http://www.dragonsmaug.com/calendar.html ,you can also add/update your own event , and you can put the calendars in your own world or building zone, just by putting an action command on a picture object.

15th June 2014 @ CYAwards LZ
1. Activeworlds birthday weekend
On 28th June, there will be the 19th birthday of AW. The festivities will start on June 28th in the world Winter. The Activeworlds Community Photograph is scheduled for June 28th at 4PM VRT in AWGate22 world, and AWReunion will be hosting the Winding River Cruise Parade for Sunday June 29th at 6PM VRT
2. Rwx viewer
New Alpha path RWX object viewer is a new utility made and developed by Byte (#30) , , and it's available on these webpages : http://rwxviewer.theenginerd.com/# and on http://rwxviewer.azurewebsites.net/.
However this rwxviewer will not work on every computer : Internet Explorer 11, Chrome or Firefox is required, and an update of flash player. The RWX viewer requires a technology called WebGL. It’s only found in modern browsers. You can read about new updates and developments of this utility on https://github.com/Bloyteg/RWXViewer/issues