May 2014
  AW Community meetings (may)
http://en.calameo.com/read/003293205475f43dd988b (june issue)
4th May 2014 @ Winter 300S 590E
1 . CYAwards
The website cyawards.org has been developed with a voting system, by using a voting registration form , in order to avoid double votes, and have the results as fair as possible. There will also be used a nomination registration form and a webpage with the voting and nomination rules.
2. Awcom.me
GSK(#348037) has improved his aw database website http://www.awcom.me. There are now pictures with panoramic views : just drag with your mouse upon a picture and you will have a 360° view http://www.awcom.me/pano.php . No account is required anymore to add your own event , you only need to send a title and description: http://awcom.me/data/publish-event/ .There is also http://www.awcom.me/newswire.php , where you can subscribe or unsubscribe for a news mail into your inbox. You can also download the survival guide : http://awcom.me/guide.php
3. AW World Magazine
Smaug (#322639) has started the aw world magazine in april, now he presented the magazine for may 2014 : http://en.calameo.com/read/003293205b98655ac10fd

4. SWCity Interactive
TenYearsGone(378183) announces that the SW City Interactive Game has new updates , developed by Hyper Anthony (#350539): You can read more on : http://www.swcity.net/
5. Clamp command
Chris The Pegasus (#290065) explained about clamp=on" , an argument that can be used with picture or texture commands for an object (about tiling textures). This is also added on the awwiki pages.
6. Activeworlds installation folder
The Activeworlds folder will be installed in future into the Local AppData Folder, instead of directly under the C:-drive. A local user space is required for all Windows versions after Vista, otherwise there will be "errors accessing to database"
7. AWReunion : Winding River Heights
In AWReunion world, there has started a new building zone on 4th May called "Winding River Estates"
18th May 2014 @ AWReunion 270N 51E (Winding River Heights)
1. AWReunion : Winding River Heights
The AWReunion world team has started on 4th May with a new building area, called Winding River Heights , the entry point is at 270N 51E. AWReunion uses the huge objectyard of the world Woodyard. There is also an awg yard , with prebuild houses and creations which are saved as awg files (=groups). On location 256N 51E , you will find 60 building lots , each lot has 30 cells.
2. AWMyths classes
In the world AWMyths, they have started with classes for their RolePlayingGame .
3. New Game engine
AW will use a new game engine (game scripting), and will be used first on the site aw3du.com
4. Org.activeworlds.com
The website Awcommunity.org has not been renewed yet, worlds using the OP from that domain have been set to Org.activeworlds.com .
5. Tip
Hold CTRL down while clicking a link in the chat : this will be opened in your external web browser.