04 October 2014
  Russian Roulette

The game Russian Roulette has been organized already since July , and each month there is a new game. The game is created and hosted by GSK(#348037) , who also hosts the game "Who wants to be a Millionaire" . The questions in this game is a bit similar, but instead of 1 player, there are several players competing against eachother, and works with an elimination sysem : as soon as 1 player gets out of the game, then the next game round starts. The game is organized monthly in the world Aurora and each game event is announced on the calendar (developed by Smaug) and also on the Activeworlds Facebook groups.

There have been Russian Roulette games on 6th July and on 4th and 20th September. Next game is on Saturday 4th October at 8 pm VRT.

Each player stands upon a circle which is at the same time has a trapdoor, which can be opened with a handle by the game host. The players need to avoid being dropped by playing a good game.The game consists of multiple choice questions, for which the players need to answer A B C or D. For a correct answer you get points, if you are wrong , then you have lost the points.There are also drop zones lights , indicated by the colours red , blue and green. The lights appear randomly after each question on the drop zone circles. The red lights however are active drop zones , other zone colours are "safe". The green light appears if the answer is correct. And each player can choose to play for a question or to pass the question to another player.


But the game is a more complicated then that. However, now there is also a webpage with the game rules and how to play the game :


If this is not clear yet , then come to the Russian Roulette game in the world Aurora and watch how it is played.