The color command The model gets another color , but looses its orginal texture. You can either type a color name or a hexadecimale code.
These are the colour names you can use in the action command : aquamarine, black, blue, brass, bronze, copper , cyan , darkgrey, forestgreen , gold , green, grey, lightgrey , magenta,maroon, navyblue, orange, orangered, orchid, pink , red, salmon, scarlet, silver, skyblue, tan, teal , turquoise, violet, white , yellow. For all other colours , you need to type the hexadecimal code for it. |
The color tint command The texture of the model is preserved with this command, and you can add any colour shade upon this texture , you can also add a hexadecimal code , and make this easy by using the RGB colour picker.
You can also give another texture and another color tint to an object :