
The second place of this 7th Explorers Club went to Serenity. This is also a (mainly) Christmas themed world , and is owned by Nursemom (#304857). It's p30 sized world with plenty of nice objects ,and Nursemom also received a CYAward with this world. But it's a heavy download and you better lower the visibility in this world.

You will find a lot of objects made by Starheart . In the world you will find a victorian village and bridges, victorian wooden villas, an opera house, a greenhouse, a library .etc.)

Finally , the explorers club decided to take a group picture as well in Serenity, with the Christmas tree and the waterfall in the background. This wasn't as simple as thought : the world is a heavy download, and when you put the visibility higher to see the waterfall-PE, the program starts to crash. It wasn't easy either to keep the avatar positioned towards the camera. Finally we got some decent pictures :)

People @ this 7th explorers event (Winter+Serenity) : CableCar Gal , Minty, Nitecap, TenYearsGone, Zanna, Rod57, Gorian, Ciena, H8usernames, Perra, EarthCritter, Smaug, Old Kunnel, Catwoman, Panne, Bach Zhaa, OzySeo, NY Giants, Red Sorceress, Vampyre, and Sweets